Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Open letter on health care

I am concerned about the direction of the health care bill. First it seems that it is being rushed through Congress. At 615 pages of legalese it is impossible that anyone could have read it, let alone understood the implications of the inevitable unintended consequences in the short time the text has been public. Have you read it? Please, do not vote for any bill you have not read. Second, I am concerned about the idea of having a Government insurance policy. The Government has advantages over private enterprise which will inevitably drive them out of business. These advantages include the fact the Government doesn't pay taxes, many labor and other laws do not apply to it, doesn't need to earn a profit the Government's cost of capital is lower and its balance sheet infinite. Even with the inefficiency of a Government administered program, private insurers will surely loose out. Third, the bills now before Congress are projected to cost Billions or Trillions of dollars. Why is there any cost at all? Isn't the problem stated by the administration that health care is too costly? Cutting costs within the existing system will provide more than enough money to cover the health care of all uninsured Americans. Government laws, rules and regulations are the reason health care is so expensive. Change the laws governing health care providers and insurers and costs will come down dramatically. Please DO NOT VOTE FOR HEALTH CARE REFORM currently proposed in Washington. There is a better way. Thank you. Kind Regards, Richard L Ellis Jr


Unknown said...

Haste makes waste. We all know that's the government's modus operandi. There are far greater problems to solve than healthcare in this country.

Nice viewpoint. Certainly more digestible than 615 pages of liberal excretion.

mw said...

Shock: Inside the Healthcare Bill


A must read...